Quick way to avoid intersections: bound complex object with a simple volume
- Object is fully contained in the volume
- If it doesn’t hit the volume, it doesn’t hit the object
- 如果一个光线连包围盒都碰不到,那么更不可能碰到里面的物体。
- So test BVol first, then test object if it hits
我们通常用的包围盒都是轴对齐包围盒(AABB),轴对齐指的是每个面对的要么是 xy平面、yz平面和 xz 平面。
💡 光线怎么和包围盒求交
对两个线段求交集,得到光线进入盒子的时间。对于 3D 的情况:
- Recall: a box (3D) = three pairs of infinitely large slabs
- Key ideas
- The ray enters the box only when it enters all pairs of slabs
- 只有三个对面都满足光线已经进去了,才能说光线进入了盒子。
- The ray exits the box as long as it exits any pair of slabs
- 当光线已经离开任意一个对面,说明光线已经离开盒子。
- For each pair, calculate the tmin and tmax (negative is fine)
- For the 3D box, tenter = max{tmin}, texit = min{tmax}
- If tenter < texit, we know the ray stays a while in the box
(so they must intersect!) (not done yet, see the next slide)
- 进入时间小于出去时间,说明这段时间内,光线就在盒子里,说明有交点。
- 但目前为止没考虑负时间怎么处理。